Uke 'n Play

Place a hold on a Ukulele now!

Uke 'n Play

Who Can Play? Uke 'n Play – at Your Local Library!

Fraser Valley Regional Library (FVRL) offers ukuleles for loan through its Uke 'n Play collection. Customers can check out the instruments, free of charge, for a two- or three-week lending period – just like library books. Ukuleles in various styles are available through FVRL’s network of 25 libraries. There is also a limited number of left-handed ukuleles as well. Each instrument will come in a kit that includes a ukulele, a soft ukulele case, a digital tuner and a beginner ukulele book.

Borrowing a Ukulele Kit With Your FVRL Card

Want to borrow a Ukulele Kit? It's easy! All you need is an FVRL card. Ukulele Kits will circulate through the FVRL system as part of the floating collection. If we don't have one available at your local library, we can put a hold on the next available Ukulele Kit, and it will be delivered to your nearest FVRL location. You can check availability at your library, or search online in the FVRL catalogue.

You may check out your Ukulele Kit for a three-week loan period (and renew it up to three times) – as long as there are no holds on the item. If there are other customers waiting, then you may borrow it for two weeks only. Please return your Ukulele Kit on time to a service desk at any FVRL location. The Uke 'n Play collection is available to FVRL full access cardholders only – see Getting a Library Card for more details.

Ukulele Resources

Each Ukulele Kit comes with its own instruction book: Essential Elements for Ukulele by Marty Gross. This book will teach you the basic skills and musical background you need to get started. We've also created this Ukulele Resources list of useful books and information online.

Information on Tuning

All FVRL ukuleles are set to the traditional GCEA ("my dog has fleas"). Turn on the tuner included in the kit and choose the C (key of C) or U (ukulele) options. Clip it to the head (top) of the ukulele. Pluck each string from the top string down and tune by tightening or loosening the tuning keys.

Watch a video demonstrating how to tune a ukulele.

Ukulele Kit Satisfaction Survey

Have you borrowed a ukulele? We want to hear from you! Please send us your feedback by filling out this short survey.

Playground Events

Want to learn more about the FVRL Playground? Visit the Events page to find upcoming events. If there are no events, check back soon!

Partners and Sponsors

Uke 'n Play is a community partnership between FVRL and the Coquitlam Ukulele Tiny Instruments Enthusiasts Circle, or "Cutie Circle". It began when Cutie Circle founder Jen Chang approached staff at FVRL's Terry Fox Library with an idea for lending instruments through the library. The Cutie Circle donated a gift of 71 ukuleles to FVRL - this generous gift was made possible with the support of sponsors Empire Music, King's Music, Ohana Music, City of New Westminster, Linda Thiessen and Lina Genier.



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