Green Screens

Green Screens (in-library experience)

Green screens are a part of The Playground at FVRL and are an in-library experience.

What Are Green Screens?

Green screens are just that – a screen that is green. Green screens are an example of chroma key, a post-production visual effects technique for photo and video. Many movies and television shows, from Alice in Wonderland to Game of Thrones, use green screen technology to put their characters in fantastic surroundings.

Why Green Screens at FVRL?

Technology is the ‘T' in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math). Green screens are a fun, easy-to-use technology that provides our customers with the opportunity to transform from consumers to creators.

What’s in Each Green Screen Setup?

Each green screen setup features a framed green screen, two lights on stands, and a tablet with camera that has the Green Screen Pro app pre-loaded.

Playground Events

Want to learn more about the FVRL Playground? Visit the Events page to find upcoming events. If there are no events, check back soon!


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